Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life

Healing from the wounds of toxic, abusive, or absent parents - Ray Hurst

Linda Bjork/Ray Hurst Season 4 Episode 24

Papa Ray Hurst explains how to heal from the wounds of toxic or absent parents.  Ray is an international speaker and coach, a pastor, missionary, author, artist, and poet.  You can reach Ray at his website and find his book "Daddy Why Don't You Love Me?" on Amazon. 

Some of the highlights Ray shares:

  • Never base your self worth on your past; it was a life lesson, not a life sentence 
  • There is no perfect parent - we don't blame, shame, or condemn 
  • Feelings buried alive never die
  • How to heal from mother wounds and father wounds
  • From ages 0-10 is our core imprint period of development where we attach meanings to events
  • Your subconscious brain stores all your memories and the beliefs attached to them
  • We can't change the event, but we can change the meaning we assigned to those events 
  • Every thought is tied to a belief
  • When you know the truth the truth will set you free, if you're not free, you haven't found the truth.
  • Stress is not what you're thinking; it's what you believe about what you're thinking
  • We need to stop, ask "what am I thinking", and then "why am I thinking that?"  
  • The people who hurt you were broken and empty and couldn't give you what they didn't have
  • Rewrite the meaning! You are not worthless, rejected, abandoned, unlovable, etc.
  • If you remember an event and it still hurts, there is still a lie attached to it
  • Needs are driven by lack (usually something you didn't get during your core imprint)
  • Take just one step at a time
  • And more 

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Also please visit the Hope for Healing website at for free resources to increase happiness, build confidence and self esteem, improve relationships, manage stress, and calm feelings of depression and anxiety.