Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life

How patterns of rejection damage our relationships with Dr. Gary Lawrence

Linda Bjork/Dr. Gary Lawrence Season 4 Episode 28

In this episode of Linda's Corner, Dr. Gary Lawrence explains how we unconsciously recreate rejection patterns in our relationships based on the rejection we experienced in our childhood.  Dr. G is the founder and director of the New Life Dynamics Christian Counseling Center, the host of the radio show "Life mastery Counseling with Dr. G," and the author of the bestselling book "Rejection Junkies."  You can learn more about Dr. G at his website  

Some of the highlights Dr. G shares:

  • Why we need to address the root of the problem rather than just cope with symptoms
  • Why opposites attract
  • After opposites attract, they tend to attack and then retract
  • How we unconsciously create situations of rejection
  • By age 8, 80% of our emotional patterns are created
  • Understanding rejection patterns - "I'll reject you before you can reject me" 
  • The difference between escapers and survivors
  • People who are escapers lose their voice and their choice (can't express opinions or desires)
  • When we stop focusing on each other's weaknesses, we can build from each other's strengths 
  • How to heal from our childhood bitterness, resentment, betrayal, avoidance, abandonment, etc.
  • We have to love ourselves in order to love others
  • How to break generational patterns of rejection 
  • The keys to healing are to identify, isolate, and eliminate the root issues
  • How to gain the skills to become your own counsellor
  • Where to get access to a free "Are you a rejection junkie?" quiz
  • And more

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