Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life

Linda's Corner - Raising a family while building a business with Renee Harris, owner of MadeOn skin care products

Linda Bjork/Renee Harris Season 3 Episode 83

Welcome to Linda's Corner.  In this episode, entrepreneur Renee Harris shares the journey of raising a family while building a business.  Renee is the mother of 9 children and the owner of MadeOn Skin care products.  You can learn more about her all-natural skin care products at her website and you can learn more about how to turn your child's interests into long-term, marketable talents at their website

Some of the highlights Renee shares:

  • How solving a problem of dry, cracking, and bleeding hands and feet led to creating simple skin care solutions that work
  • Why people with sensitive skin and allergies love their all-natural products
  • Natural skin care - a few easy products you can make from home that fixes your skin
  • Natural approaches to eczema or other skin conditions
  • The benefits of using a "hard" lotion over using traditional lotions and creams
  • Transitioning from selling at farmer's markets to a million dollar online business
  • Raising and homeschooling 9 children
  • Raising a family of entrepreneurs while building a business
  • How to turn your child's interests into long-term, marketable talents
  • And more

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