Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life
Welcome to Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life
Are you seeking inspiration and transformation in your life? Look no further! At Linda's Corner we tackle everyday challenges like relationships, parenting, weight loss, health, and finances, and we also dive deep into heavier topics like depression, anxiety, addiction, abuse, grief, and childhood trauma. Listen to stories of real people overcoming real challenges, just like yours. With the wisdom of experts and the courage of overcomers, we provide the help and encouragement you need to thrive. Join us today for a healthy dose of hope, healing, and happiness. Subscribe to Linda's corner today on your favorite podcast platform!
Visit our website for access to over 240 past episodes organized by topics at https://lindascornerpodcast.com. Also check out the Hope for Healing website for more free resources at https://hopeforhealingfoundation.org.
Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life
Dare to follow your heart with Constantin Morun
If you've ever felt stuck and restrained by a leash, Constantin Morun can help with navigating change and cultivating resilience. Constantin is a holistic life empowerment mentor, a Microsoft Sr. Account Technology Strategist, and the host of the Unleash Thyself podcast. You can reach Constantin at his website https://unleashthyself.com/ .
Some of the highlights Constantin shares:
The challenges of growing up in communist Eastern Europe
What is the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset?
Do I need to hide from my past or can I learn from it?
Why do we beat ourselves up? Why are we so hard on ourselves?
How to find the answers inside of ourselves
Why it's important to understand that our subconscious mind runs most of our life and how to overcome old, outdated programming
Why does our mind default to the negative? (The answer has to do with feeling safe)
When we focus on the negative, it blinds us to the positive
Dare to follow your heart
What makes you happy?
And more
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Also please visit the Hope for Healing website at hopeforhealingfoundation.org for free resources to increase happiness, build confidence and self esteem, improve relationships, manage stress, and calm feelings of depression and anxiety.