Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life
Welcome to Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life
Are you seeking inspiration and transformation in your life? Look no further! At Linda's Corner we tackle everyday challenges like relationships, parenting, weight loss, health, and finances, and we also dive deep into heavier topics like depression, anxiety, addiction, abuse, grief, and childhood trauma. Listen to stories of real people overcoming real challenges, just like yours. With the wisdom of experts and the courage of overcomers, we provide the help and encouragement you need to thrive. Join us today for a healthy dose of hope, healing, and happiness. Subscribe to Linda's corner today on your favorite podcast platform!
Visit our website for access to over 240 past episodes organized by topics at https://lindascornerpodcast.com. Also check out the Hope for Healing website for more free resources at https://hopeforhealingfoundation.org.
Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life
Rising Above: Triumphing Over Life's Physical, Mental and Emotional Challenges with Positivity
Paul knows about overcoming challenges with positivity from his own experience. Paul's 5 year old son was diagnosed with cancer during his first week of kindergarten. A month later, Paul himself was diagnosed with cancer. Later he endured financial hardships, suffered a mental breakdown, and was diagnosed with bipolar. Can we get through hard things and become better on the other side? Absolutely! Paul Gencarella Jr. is the founder of Mindset Mastery and an expert speaker, coach and self-image advisor. You can reach Paul at his website https://www.mindsetmastery.speakdreamlisten.com/
Some of the highlights Paul shares:
- His story of having cancer at the same time as his 5 year old son
- The best prayer, "Bless me to receive the strength to deal with my challenges"
- How our challenges can broaden our perspective
- Sometimes we make our problems bigger than they really are
- Suffering a mental breakdown and being institutionalized
- Experiencing clinical depression and feeling suicidal - I don't want to be alive
- The best time to deal with depression is not when we're depressed, it's when we're feeling good
- It's not about dealing with things on the outside, the real growth comes from dealing with the things on the inside
- How a gratitude journal brings positivity to our lives and literally changes our brain
- When we appreciate the little things, we can deal with the big things in life
- Most people don't want to talk about mental health and mental health challenges
- Dealing with the perception that mental challenges are weaknesses or failures
- We want to be happy and fulfilled - we can be happy and fulfilled
- We need to exercise our bodies and our minds
- We can feed our bodies junk food and feed our mind "junk food" of negativity
- How to become the best version of yourself
- And more
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Also please visit the Hope for Healing website at hopeforhealingfoundation.org for free resources to increase happiness, build confidence and self esteem, improve relationships, manage stress, and calm feelings of depression and anxiety. Become the champion of your own story as you overcome your challenges.