Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life
Welcome to Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life
Are you seeking inspiration and transformation in your life? Look no further! At Linda's Corner we tackle everyday challenges like relationships, parenting, weight loss, health, and finances, and we also dive deep into heavier topics like depression, anxiety, addiction, abuse, grief, and childhood trauma. Listen to stories of real people overcoming real challenges, just like yours. With the wisdom of experts and the courage of overcomers, we provide the help and encouragement you need to thrive. Join us today for a healthy dose of hope, healing, and happiness. Subscribe to Linda's corner today on your favorite podcast platform!
Visit our website for access to over 240 past episodes organized by topics at https://lindascornerpodcast.com. Also check out the Hope for Healing website for more free resources at https://hopeforhealingfoundation.org.
Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life
Integrated Health and Wellbeing: Create Sustainable Change One Step at a Time
Kathleen Klug explains how to create sustainable change one step at a time to achieve the positive results you want. And the good news is that any improvement you make in any area of your life will improve every area of your life. Kathleen is a 40 year veteran in the field of fitness, health, and wellness. She’s an author, Holistic health coach, health educator and the founder of KK Health Coaching. You can reach Kathleen at her website https://kathleenklug.com
Some of the highlights Kathleen shares:
- How to create sustainable change one step at a time to achieve the positive results you want
- What do you want to improve?
- Now let's talk about the how - Take one small action step
- Start with one area - don't worry about the others
- How making one small change in one area of life improves all areas of our lives
- Everything is connected
- We need hope that we can heal our own bodies
- It's possible and you can do it
- Take a personal assessment - what is working well? what needs improvement?
- How chronic stress affects every cell in our body and every aspect of our life
- Stress is perceived pressure - how we can decrease our stress level by changing our perception
- The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step
- What are the basic pillars of health?
- Nutrition - our cells are created by the food we assimilate into our bodies
- What we eat affects the way we feel
- Reduce (or eliminate) processed foods and eat whole foods for better results
- How moving your body improves mood, reduces stress, and improves health
- Find an activity your enjoy
- How joining a group or club improves connection and meaningful relationships
- What is sleep hygiene and how does it affect the quality of my sleep?
- A lot of people have sleep problems, here's what you can do to naturally improve the quality of your sleep
- Be careful about what you put in your mind before you go to sleep - the subconscious mind does not sleep
- How gut health affects every aspect of your wellbeing
- We eat "food-like" substances that are filled with toxins that hurt our bodies
- Depression, anxiety and other mental and emotional issues are related to gut health
- Any improvement you make in any area of your life will improve every area.
- Get your environment to support you
- Reward yourself - celebrate small successes
- Be kind to yourself
- And more
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Also please visit the Hope for Healing website at hopeforhealingfoundation.org for free resources to increase happiness, build confidence and self esteem, improve relationships, manage stress, and calm feelings of depression and anxiety. Become the champion of your own story as you overcome your challenges.