Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life

Linda's Corner - Setting ourselves free and living heroically with Christian De La Huerta

April 28, 2021 Linda Bjork/Christian De La Huerta Season 2 Episode 21

Today, special guest Christian De La Huerta and I discuss the concept of setting ourselves free and living heroically.   Christian has 30 years of experience as a personal transformation coach.  He is also an award-winning author and acclaimed international speaker in various settings including the TedX stage.  His recent book "Awakening the Soul of Power - How to live heroically and set yourself free" is the first book in his "Calling All Heroes" trilogy and it's receiving great reviews from psychologists, healers, life coaches, authors, and he even has an endorsement from singer/songwriter Gloria Estefan.  You can contact Christian at his website at or join his Facebook group "Unleash your inner hero."

Christian's book references the "hero's journey" which is explained in Joseph Campbell's book "Hero with a Thousand Faces."  This is such an excellent analogy to inner discovery and healing.  Like Bilbo Baggins in the book "The Hobbit," most heroes go through a process from living their ordinary life, to accepting the call to adventure, and then eventually returning as a better, stronger person. 

Each one of us is the hero of our own lives and our own story.  "Awakening the Soul of Power" is a call to adventure, inviting people to go on an inner journey to slay their own fears and insecurities to become transformed into a better, stronger person.  And the thing that makes that transformation possible is being willing to lay down our fear-based worldly or egoic power, and embracing our love-based spiritual or soulful power.   

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